our story
Running the rat-race in the high-end fashion and beauty industry for over 10 years, I became very jaded with what I had been doing. I really wanted to do more good for society, and less harm to the environment, and I knew I was not going to achieve that by staying put.
So armed with my keen eye for fashion; and my partner’s know-how in footwear manufacturing as a 2nd generation footwear manufacturer, we set out to create a sneaker brand that would not only allow me to express myself through fashion, but allow me to control how we can do good for the environment and its people.
Behind the Name and Design
The name “Lacess” represents how we are all tied together in this community, as we strive to battle against the injustice in our world today.
The five dots were inspired by children activity books - “connecting the dots”. The meaning behind it is consistent – to connect our community together and giving back to those in need.

How does Lacess Provide #GuiltFreeKicks?
Our shoes are made from upcycled materials; we take off-cut trimmings from leather products that would have ended up in landfills, weave them with recycled single-use plastic bottles. We also use other natural eco-friendly materials such as cork insoles and natural rubber, that leaves as little footprint as possible to our planet.
The result? A minimalist, yet universally-chic pair of comfy sneakers that you can easily slip on and pair with almost any outfit and any occasion.
How do the Shoes #GiveBack?
For every pair of Lacess shoes sold, we donate a portion to Compassion First to support the victims of human trafficking.
Just a few quick, eye-opening facts:
- 43.3 million is the estimated number of people enslaved globally today
- The 3rd largest/profitable crime internationally
- The fastest growing crime internationally

Why Human Trafficking?
The harsh reality hit us in the face, when during a journey in Indonesia, a place to the eyes of many that is paradise, we learnt of the amount of very young “working girls” and growing crimes of young children being trafficked.
Following this came the instant motivation to help find ways to address this issue, and we entered volunteering work in the field. Meeting few of the many victims and hearing their stories was gut-wrenching, yet on the other hand I commended their bravery through an incredibly difficult time.
Volunteering though was not enough, so we also wanted to find ways to help create social awareness and provide financial support to aid the work of NGOs that help fight against human trafficking.
We know Lacess is but a small company, but we believe one step goes a long way, and we hope our support and advocacy can play a part in the eventual extinction of slavery - and with your support, it just might be in our lifetime!